Due to over whelming popularity this site was created as a improved easier to navigate version of the previous version of this site. This site was intended to be a record data base of what me (tehnoman) have accomplished, who i used to be and who i don't want to be anymore. I do not want to be known as Technoman anymore, I didn't like who I was when I was technoman, I had to become a remorsless assasin. Sure I like putting on the armour and going into battle not knowing what will happen next if i will be bettered, even made to quit or surrender with all my amount of training. But when it bored down to it the
serious, mean cocky darker side of me was starting to affect my opposite half. My friend once told me that to become a good warrior you have to have two personalitys, one to fit into society and one to survive on the battle field and the same goes for lord one for surviving in the realm and one for outside of the game in real life because you wouldn't be able to survive in lord with your normal personality. So basically i do not want to be technoman anymore, so don't email me about advice. Please send comments to [email protected].
We are hard at work getting
everything up and running.
Welcome This is
where you can find out all about TeknoMan and friends and what they have accomplished.
We are just getting started, but in the
coming weeks we will be running at full bpm. We're on a fast server, have great web
design, and excellent content as you will soon see.